Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Married people are self-righteous? (Edited version)

My friend commented something to me yesterday that is subjected to debate. In fact I'm still pondering over the matter today. She has a general observation that married people are self-righteous. That 's quite a strong word to use for us married people... don't you think. Luckily.... she's one of those friends that is really close or else I SUE HER!!!! Anyway... i definitely DO NOT AGREE with her comment as me being married myself thinks who the hell am I to tell people that they are morally not right.

I do, however would say that married people tend to be righteous (and not 'self-righteous) because when we tie a knot, we are not only tying the knot with your partner but also with his/her entire clan. Whatever you do will not only affect your partner but also his family too. Especially when you have your own child... that's like a huge responsibility. Do you want your child to follow your bad examples. No way!

I do envy people who do whatever they like even though they're married and have kids. The parents smoke in front of their children, say whatever they like in front of family members, snap and throw tantrums when they're in a bad mood, partying whenever they feel like it, spend their money as their please without thinking of the future .....but seriously what will be the effects of all this?

My hubby ever told me before one day that he's tired. Physically and emotionally due to work. A single man might likely just quit his job and slowly look for another. He can't. He has own family to support. He has lots of friends that he used to hang out with when we used to date. But now... the outings have been very few. Why? He knows that being with his family and working to support them is more important. I think it's just about being married. You automatically know that you just have to better person or try to be one at least. They are just too many things at stake not to be righteous when you have your own family.

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